Tons of people commute every day on the Lakefront Trail. Every month, Active Trans compiles a list of events happening directly on the trail. Check out what’s going on for the month of August, and for more updates on Lakefront Trail conditions, follow us on Twitter.
Saturday, 8/1
10th Annual Stray Cat Strut 5k
Time: 10:30am
Location: Uptown; Route on LFT
Sunday, 8/2
The Biggest Loser Run Walk 5k
Time: 7:30am
Location: Soldier Field
Sunday, 8/9
Chicago 10k
Time: 8am
Location: Starts at Grant Park; Route on LFT
Chicago Lymphoma Walk
Time: 10am
Location: Montrose Harbor
Brides Run Chicago
Time: 9am
Location: Starts at Grant Park; On LFT
Saturday, 8/15 & Sunday, 8/16
Chicago Air & Water Show
Time: 10am-3pm
Location: North Avenue Beach
Saturday, 8/22
6k for Water
Time: 9am
Location: Montrose Harbor
Saturday, 8/29
Chicago Triathlon SuperSprint
Time: 5:30am
Location: Montrose Beach
Life Time Kids Tri Chicago
Time: 6:30am
Location: Montrose Beach
Hydrocephalus Association Walk
Time: 8:30am
Location: Lincoln Park South Lagoon