It’s that time again to show support for bus-only lanes on NLSD

The multi-year North Lake Shore Drive reconstruction project is at another critical decision point and we need your input on the project. If you care about improving transportation on Lake Shore Drive and want to see fewer cars — rather than more cars — on this roadway, we need you to step up and share your support for a bus-only lane.

Take the survey to show support for a bus-only lane that does not require widening the drive. The survey closes on Monday, November 9.

Thanks to everyone who took action earlier this summer to ensure the best option for bus riders was not taken off the table. Now we need to keep pushing to make sure the best bus lane option is selected as the preferred design.

A new website recently launched with various ways to provide input:

The reconstruction effort is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create healthy, sustainable, and equitable transportation along Chicago’s North Lakefront.

We cannot meet the challenges of today by applying the tools of yesterday and spending billions of dollars to entrench inequitable car-oriented transportation. The “3+1 bus-only lane” option provides the greatest transit benefit without adding a lane to the roadway and endangering park space.

We urge everyone to take the survey before November 9 and share your support for the “3+1 bus-only lane” as the best design option for the North Lake Shore Drive reconstruction project.

Broad support for a robust, transit-centered alternative is clear: Hundreds of advocates took action to ensure the bus-only lane alternative continued forward to this phase of the planning process.

In 2018, Active Transportation Alliance lead a coalition of ten business and civic groups calling for dedicated space for transit on the drive. The Illinois Department of Transportation, which is leading the project, surveyed residents and found that, above all else, people wanted improvements to public transit along the Lake Shore Drive.

It’s time we make sure the most sustainable and equitable design option moves forward to the next phase. Make your voice heard for the “3+1 bus-only lane” before November 9!


Image and project timeline courtesy of

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