Volunteer for the Bike Pit Stop crew to spread the bike love!

We’ll be seeing warmer weather in March, which means more and more people are going to be biking every day.  We need your help to reach the cycling community where it matters most – on the street! ""

Active Trans’ will be on the streets with Bike Pit Stops during the morning and evening on a weekly basis this spring in order to spread the bike love and build momentum for all the protected bike lanes projects coming to Chicago. 

We will be offering free safety checks, passing out information about urban cycling and collecting signatures in support of protected bike lanes. In addition to being the most direct way of communicating with the cycling community, Bike Pit Stops are a lot of fun.

Volunteer for Bike Pit Stops to spread the bike love and help build support for protected bike lanes. Check the schedule below and email your availability to [email protected].

Pit Stop Schedule

Date                     Time               Location

3/27/2013            7:30-8:45 am      Elston/Milwaukee

4/3/2013              4:30-6:00 pm      TBD

4/12/2013            7:30-8:45 am      TBD

4/17/2013            4:30-6:00 pm      TBD
4/26/2012            7:30-8:45 am      TBD

5/1/2012              4:30-6:00 pm      TBD

5/7/2012              7:30-8:45 am      (Tentative)



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