Update: Crucial biking and walking funds appear safe — for now . . .

Good news from our nation's capital! The threat from anti-biking and walking amendments — which has kept biking and walking advocates busy while biting their nails for the past 48 hours — has subsided in the U.S. House and Senate. At least for now. ""

A huge thanks to everyone who contacted their members of Congress this week!

As of late yesterday, it appears unlikely that the Senate will even vote on two terrible amendments, sponsored by Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee, to strip all funding from the Transporation Alternatives Program — a major source of funding for biking and walking programs in Illinois and across the country. 

And in a surprise turnaround, House leadership announced it will not be debating a national transportation funding bill this week.

With the August recess starting next week, that means crucial biking and walking programs are safe from potential copy-cat amendments in the House, at least through September.

We'll keep working with our partner groups in D.C. to monitor the situation in the Senate. 

For now, fans of active transporation can breathe a sigh of relief. 

While the threat to funding now appears unlikely, there's still a chance it could happen. So if you haven't yet weighed in, please do so with your Senators here. Thanks again for taking action!

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