In 2009, the Federal Highway Administration adopted a new version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. The manual now includes a lot of new safety-enhancing features for bicyclists and pedestrians. These include new standardized signs for bike routes plus a lot of proposed changes for intersections to benefit active transportation users.
Unfortunately, the FHWA proposed extending the compliance time for states and local governments to at least 10 years to implement new signage and traffic control devices. Active Transportation Alliance understands the fiscal constraints impacting state and local governments and there certainly is a cost for MUTCD changes. However, we feel that safety should not be compromised solely in the name of government finances.
Today, we submitted comments to FHWA opposing the proposed extensions of compliance times. Our official letter is attached for your reference.
There is still time for you to submit your own comments. Go to and submit a comment for Docket FHWA-2010-0159. The comment period closes tomorrow.