Support protected bike lanes on King Drive, 31st and 55th

Since our last update on new Chicago bikeways, there's been more exciting news from the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT). CDOT has proposed protected bike lanes for King Drive, 31st St. and 55th St.

""Alderman Pat Dowell of the 3rd Ward is hosting a community meeting tonight, March 7, and her newsletter notes that new bike lanes will be on the meeting agenda.

If you’re a 3rd Ward resident, we encourage you to attend this meeting and speak up in support of a protected bike lane on King Drive! Or tell your friends in the ward.

Third Ward Townhall Meeting
Wed., March 7, 6 p.m.
Illinois College of Optometry
3240 S. Indiana, Chicago, IL

Can't attend the meeting? Please consider contacting Ald. Dowell to express your support for the King Drive protected bike lane: [email protected] or 773-373-9273.

If you live in the 4th Ward, you can contact Ald. Will Burns to express your support for these projects:  [email protected] or 773.536.8103.

Not sure what ward you live in? Look it up here.

Sign up for our Neighborhood Bikeways Campaign to make sure you get email updates about important bikeway issues in your ward.

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