Stay in the loop about Illinois' bike transportation plan

Good news! The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is in the process of drawing up a bike transportation plan for Illinois!  ""

The plan will make recommendations in a variety of areas, including:

  • Bicycling-related planning and policy 
  • Bikeway safety, design and maintenance  
  • Regional-scale bikeway network 
  • Bikeway network implementation 
  • State bicycling performance measures 
  • Education, outreach and enforcement  

In short, the plan will lay out the policies, practices and strategic direction for implementing a sustainable, multimodal vision for Illinois. Sounds enticing, doesn't it?

To help this process along, IDOT wants to connect with community members, namely you.

As an initial step, the agency is distributing this questionnaire, which will be the first of several opportunities for community members and transportation professionals to share their thoughts and opinions on bicycling in Illinois. By adding your email address to questionnaire, you'll be signing up to receive updates about the plan.

And you'll be glad to know that your favorite biking, walking and transit advocacy organization (yes, Active Trans!) is helping to develop this groundbreaking bike plan. 

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