As the number of cyclists on Chicago’s roads continues to climb, it’s crucial that motorists and cyclists treat one another with respect and courtesy.
Enter Active Trans’ new campaign, a joint effort with the nation’s largest motor organization, AAA, with help from national bicycling advocacy organization PeopleforBikes. The campaign tagline, “Two Wheels Four Wheels — We All Roll Together,” highlights the need for cooperation in order to make roads safe for all users.
The campaign includes ads (right) that will be displayed on social media and at various events, as well as safety tip cards distributed with every Chicago tow provided by AAA tow trucks. Supporters can also sign an online pledge to share the road and post ads with the campaign’s tagline to social media sites.
Adapting to bike lanes and greater numbers of people biking on the roads will doubtless be an adjustment for many motorists. The campaign provides them with tips for sharing the road safely. For example, motorists should allow cyclists at least three feet of clearance and they should check mirrors and blind spots before turning or opening car doors.
Equally, the campaign offers people biking advice on sharing the road with motorists. For instance, be visible and ride predictably.
Visit to sign on to the campaign, download the shareable campaign ads and read more tips for driving and cycling responsibly.