Sign on to show your support for a better transit future

Have you ever imagined how much better Chicagoland’s public transit system could be? ""

  • What if a train could get you to the airport in less than half an hour?
  • What if your bus was swift, dependable and immune to traffic jams?
  • What if you could shop in the suburbs — by Blue Line?
  • What if a new "Lime Line" could connect all of the CTA’s radial train lines on Chicago’s west side?

Help us make this vision a reality.

Over the years, our region has planned dozens of game-changing transit lines. ""

But under the status quo, they’ve remained unlikely to ever be built. Chicagoland’s decades of underinvestment has left us with an aging, gap-ridden transit system that fails to connect people and jobs and leaves driving the only option for too many people.

Thanks to strong leadership from Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County Board President Preckwinkle, that began to change last night. They stood with Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) and us to endorse a bold plan that could literally remake transportation in our city over the next decade.

The Transit Future campaign calls on the Cook County Board of Commissioners to adopt a robust revenue stream to fund the improvement and expansion of Chicago and Cook County’s transit system.

By winning a steady stream of public investment for Cook County public transit, the plan would unlock billions of dollars in federal funding to build up to ten new train lines, blanket our county with dependable rapid transit and eliminate underserved areas.

Transit Future offers a bold vision of what an expanded transit system in Cook County and the Chicago region could look like. Please sign our petition to help make this transit future a reality.

Photos of President Preckwinkle (top) and Mayor Emanuel courtesy of CNT.  

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