Shelter volunteer lights way for homeless cyclists

On his weekly trip to PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) in DuPage County, volunteer and Active Trans member Bob Bollendorf barely spotted one shelter guest cycling in the pre-dawn darkness. When he stopped his car to ask the man about lights, the man yelled back that he didn’t have any.

As an avid cyclist himself, Bob could not forget about the biker in the dark. Later that day, he visited Bicycles Etc. in Lisle to speak with store manager and personal friend Brian Miller. Both men are members of Lisle’s Bicycle/Pedestrian Task Force, working to make bicycling and walking safer in that community. Brian donated several taillights, and with the money he saved, Bob bought several headlights at cost.

The equipment was given to a repairman at PADS headquarters in Wheaton who fixes bicycles for free. Guests, including the original “cyclist in the dark,” were delighted to receive the lights.

Bicycles Etc. went on to donate an entire box of taillights for future distribution. Says Bob, “I feel this is a gift not just for the homeless, but all the people of Lisle who I’m sure would be mortified if they ever hit someone on a bike, even if they couldn’t see them”.

Thanks for the heart-warming stories like this that are making big changes.

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