Save money on your transit costs while bringing in cash for your employer

Did you know you could save money on your transit expenses if your employer was enrolled in the pre-tax Transit Benefit Fare Program? And for a limited time, your employer could also earn cash for enrolling in the program.

Don't pay more than you have to ride CTA, Metra and Pace. Be sure to talk to your human resources department about this special incentive for your office to save you money on transit!

Cook County employers are still eligible to receive up to $1,700 for enrolling employees in the pre-tax transit benefit program, which allows employees to buy transit fares (Metra, Pace, CTA) before their paycheck is taxed, reducing their taxable income and saving hundreds a year with little to no cost to the employer.

But what can $1,700 really do for a company? Not much, right? Actually, $1,700 gets you:

  • 106 boxes of coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts
  • Two Steelcase “Think” chairs
  • Three color copier/scanner/fax machines
  • 4,200 reams of printer paper

Ask your employer to enroll — it won't cost anything to sign up. The incentive program is ending soon though, so companies are encouraged to act quickly to take advantage of the program. Your employer can sign up here at or email James Drew at [email protected] for more information.

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