Active Trans is helping get the word out about a focus group for research on non-motorized transportation. If you're a woman and you're into getting around under your own steam, I encourage you to participate in this project.
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Dear Women Bicyclists and Physical Activity Enthusiasts:
I am inviting you to participate in a research project focus group to study issues related to women’s use of non-motorized transportation such as bicycling and walking, as well as, applicable technologies to increase or encourage non-motorized transportation usage. The research is part of a larger doctoral project funded in part through the National Academy of Sciences Transportation Research Board (TRB).
The focus group will take place at:
Mercury Cafe
1505 W. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
August 11, 2009
6pm – 8pm
The results of this focus group will be used to evaluate possible design, planning and technology solutions that may increase the number of women bicyclists and their frequency of physical activity. Through your participation I hope to gain a better understanding of women’s attitudes and travel behaviors while bicycling and walking along with possible influences that crime and other external circumstances may have and any value that technological advances may add to the non-motorized transportation experience.
If you are willing to participate in the focus group, please contact me at [email protected] or by phone at 773-704-7162. Copies of the transcript will be provided to you for your review and approval, after which time the tape recording will be erased. There are no personal risks involved, that I know of, if you so choose to participate in this focus group. Your responses will remain confidential and will not be accessible to anyone outside of the research group.
While your participation is strictly voluntary, I do hope that you will be able to participate in the focus group. Regardless of whether or not you choose to participate in the study, if you would like a summary of my findings please let me know. To request a summary, you may email me at [email protected].
Also, if you have any questions or concerns regarding this focus group please feel free to contact me via email or telephone.
Thank you,
Stephen T. Vaughn