PlayStreets events coming to Chicago

Active Transportation Alliance, in partnership with World Sport Chicago and LISC Chicago, is happy to once again be assisting in organizing PlayStreets events in Chicago this summer.

PlayStreets are reoccurring community events that close a street to car traffic and open it up for games and activities for local families. 

A program of the Chicago Department of Public Health, PlayStreets is an initiative to help foster more physical activity for children in underserved neighborhoods

Now through Labor Day, more than 150 PlayStreets events will be happening across the city.

Active Trans will be partnering with 10 community-based organizations to organize and implement events across the city’s South Side.

Gads Hill, a community-based family resource center serving the low-income population of the city's Lower West Side, will help produce events on the North and West Sides.

In addition to physical activity, events are designed to bring residents closer together and build community and be a part of making streets safer and neighborhoods more vibrant.

We’re excited to once again be a part of the PlayStreets initiative, and we encourage you to keep your eye out for PlayStreets events across the city this summer.

Read more about PlayStreets in this press release by the Office of the Mayor.

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