Pedestrian Safey Bill Hearing

Tomorrow (Tuesday), the Senate Transportation Committee is hearing HB 43, the pedestrian safety bill. As you might recall, HB 43 passed the House on a narrow 60-54 vote. We need your help to ensure victory in the Senate.

HB 43 will change Illinois law to require drivers to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks, rather than yield. This law will help reduce the more than 6,000 crashes that occur each year in Illinois involving pedestrians.

Please call members of the Senate Transportation Committee and ask them to vote for HB 43.

Chairman Martin Sandoval 217-782-5304

Senator Michael Bond 217-782-7353

Senator Gary Forby 217-782-5509

Senator Toi Hutchinson 217-782-7419

Senator David Koehler 217-782-8250

Senator John Sullivan 217-782-2479

Senator AJ Wilhelmi 217-782-8800

Senator Larry Bomke 217-782-0228

Senator Gary Dahl 217-782-3840

Senator John Millner 217-782-8192

Senator Dale Risinger 217-782-1942

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