Pedestrian Safety Bill Advances

HB 43, the "must stop for pedestrians" bill, was passed out of the Senate Transportation Committee yesterday. The vote was 7 Yes, 1 No and 2 Present. The bill now proceeds to the full Senate for its final vote.

HB 43 recently gained the support of Illinois State Police and Gov. Pat Quinn.

Although we are grateful for the strong voice of support by the Transportation Committee, the vote in the full Senate will probably be closer. We need to keep the momentum going for three more weeks.

If you live in any of these Senators districts, please call the Senator and ask him/her to vote for HB 43.

Senator James Clayborne

Senator Jackie Collins

Senator Maggie Crotty

Senator Deanna Demuzio

Senator William Haine

Senator Rickey Hendon

Senator Iris Martinez

If you don't live in one of these districts, please call your own Senator and ask for support.

To learn more about HB 43 or find your Senator, visit

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