Lakefront Trail Conditions 2/5/11

I rode the Lakefront Trail today (Saturday, 2/5) from Fullerton north to Ardmore. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the Trail had been plowed over this entire section. I started by ridding to just south of the soft surface to the south of Fullerton and the Trail was plowed in that direction as far as I could see as well.

There are some parts of the Lakefront that had hardly any snow cover at all. Other sections had rather deep snow. Accordingly, the Trail was in very good condition in some sections and only had a narrow section cleared in other areas.

Between Bryn Mawr and Foster the Trail had a significant amount of slush on it in several spots. I had to put a foot down a couple of times along this section (riding my cross bike with cross tires front and rear). I saw a couple of other cyclists walking several sections of the Trail in this area.

Several of the cross streets between Foster and Montrose had significant snow piles at the intersections. I could ride through all of the intersections except the north side of Foster (see photo). Sight lines are, however, compromised at many of the crossings. Be especially careful in these areas as motor vehicle traffic may have difficulty seeing Trail traffic.

Thanks, Randy

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