Permitted Activities that may affect your use of the Lakefront Trail May 18-21, 2012
I'm seeing lots of "non-exclusive use" permits issued for activities along the Lakefront for such things as boot camps, marathon training, etc. These permits do not have specific times associated with them and they are usually for small groups of people but do increase the activity along the lakefront.
Friday, May 18
No activities listed
Saturday, May 19
Lakefront Trail is CLOSED from Balbo to 39th Street due to the NATO meetings starting at 6:00am, recommended alternate route is State Street.
Epilepsy Foundation 5K Walk, Lincoln Park-Grove 16, 8am-Noon
Kids and Kites Festival, Lincoln Park-Montrose, 10am-4pm
Sunday, May 20
Lakefront Trail is CLOSED from Balbo to 39th Street due to the NATO meetings, recommended alternate route is State Street.
Monday, May 21
Lakefront Trail is CLOSED from Balbo to 39th Street due to the NATO meetings until 6:00pm, recommended alternate route is State Street.