Invent the Future with CMAP

From our friends at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning:

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is the regional planning agency for northeastern Illinois. CMAP represents 284 municipalities and seven counties: Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will. CMAP is in the process of developing the region’s first truly comprehensive plan – GO TO 2040. In addition to land use and transportation, GO TO 2040 also addresses the full range of quality-of-life issues, including the natural environment, economic development, housing, and human services such as education, health care and other social services. This summer we are asking you to help us develop a future scenario that will guide development in our region looking out to the year 2040. To accomplish this, CMAP is holding 50 workshops this summer to hear from residents about their priorities and goals for the future.

On Wednesday, July 29th we held an Invent the Future workshop at the Active Transportation Alliance’s office in downtown Chicago.

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