Imagine Navy Pier

If you are like most Chicagoland residents, you don't go to Navy Pier very often. It is primarily a tourist destination (actually, it's the most visited tourist destination in Chicago). One reason you might not go to Navy Pier is that it is hard to access.

Navy Pier Inc, the new non-profit manager of the pier, is sponsoring a design competition to reimagine many of the pier's public spaces. The Active Transportation Alliance believes this is an ideal opportunity to better connect the pier to Chicago neighborhoods and the Lakefront Trail.

We sent the pier's board of directors an open letter with recommendations for improved bicycle, pedestrian and transit access (attached).

Check out the preliminary designs here. Blair Kamin of the Chicago Tribune aptly covered the design proposals and funding challenges. Kamin also published our letter in his Cityscapes blog.

Imagine Navy Pier as a destination for Chicagoans for concerts, entertainment, and culture. And imagine it's safe and easy to access.

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