Free Lunchtime Event Thursday for Those Who Enjoy Exploring the Region by Bike, Foot and Transit

Ever wanted to escape for a walk in the woods, but couldn’t figure out where to go or how to get there without a car? In a city with a million carless residents, you’re probably not alone. The Chicago region is filled with exciting places that you can explore by bike, by foot and by public transit. As warmer weather approaches, learn what the region has to offer and how you can get there before you strike out on your summer day trips. You won’t need a car to reach these treasured places, from calming parks and forest preserves to historic neighborhoods.

Creative Living in the City Lecture: Treasured Chicago Destinations by Foot, Bike and Public Transit
Where: Claudia Cassidy Theater, 2nd Floor, Chicago Cultural Center, 78 E. Washington Blvd., Chicago, IL
When: Thursday, May 13, 2010, 12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
Cost: Free and open to the public

Erma Tranter, President of Friends of the Parks, will offer a visual tour of great parks you can escape to by public transportation.

Jason Rothstein, author of the new book Carless in Chicago, will offer tips for your carless explorations and suggestions for some other easy-to-reach destinations. Jason currently works full time at the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where the pro-pedestrian messages come fast and furious. He holds a BA in psychology from Antioch College and an MPH in heath policy from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Presented by the Active Transportation Alliance and Friends of the Parks as part of the Chicago Cultural Center’s Creative Living in the City lecture series.

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