Building support for active living in your community

 Learn how to build a case for active living.

Join us for a panel discussion on how to build the case for active living. This free training has been made possible by the Communities Putting Prevention to Work grant (CPPW). CPPW is an initiative of the Cook County Department of Public Health and Public Health Institute of Metropolitan Chicago, and supported by funds from the Centers for Disease Control.

Panelists include:
Lori Stern, Suburban Cook County School Health Advisor, Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Heather Gavras, Sr. Director, Community Health, American Heart Association
Steve Buchtel, Southland Coordinator, Active Transportation Alliance

WHEN: April 21, 10am – Noon
WHERE: Blue Island City Hall East Annex
2434 Vermont St. Blue Island

It's just a four block walk from Vermont street Metra stop (don't forget you can take your bike on Metra) and free parking is available in the lot across the street from the Annex.

Come discuss and learn from experts in the field around:

Healthier Work Sites:
Investing in the health of employees is one of the best decisions a company can make. A critical first step is gaining the support of employees and top management. Learn about strategies and tactics to gain employee buy-in as well as securing leadership support.

Healthier Schools:
When schools do not address student and staff health by design, they deal with it by default. What messages and activities can build support for creating healthier school environments? Who are the key decision makers? How can you become more active in creating health promoting schools?

Healthier Communities:
When businesses are in bike and pedestrian friendly communities they are more likely to thrive economically. Especially when gas prices have soared and driving has declined. Businesses need to think about attracting customers in new ways. Learn how to engage the business community in creating physically active and sustainable communities.

Want more information? Email Pamela Brookstein at [email protected] or call 312-805-5319. See you there!

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