Bike to Work Week, live from the bike lane

If you were up early enough this past Friday morning, you might have seen three people interviewed on CBS Chicago Morning News about the upcoming Bike Commuter Challenge by reporter Vince Gerasole.

But it wasn’t the regular on-the-street interview—it was conducted live while riding bikes.

It started at 5 a.m. when longtime Active Trans member Sophie Michals and I met up with Vince before heading south on Milwaukee Avenue from Logan Square. The three of us rode behind the CBS truck containing the camera.

Sophie's first segment aired live around 5:15 as we rolled through the intersection of California and Milwaukee avenues. After Sophie's interview, it was my turn.

While we waited for them to hit us again, Vince kept us updated on what was going on live: "They're doing traffic now, weather's next, then commercial. I'll start talking, point to you, and then let's ride!"

A bit later, we met Active Trans Board Member Rubani Shaw. Rubani was interviewed as we were riding south on Jefferson Avenue through the West Loop.

For a final segment, Sophie was interviewed once more.

As it started to sprinkle, we signed off while singing "Aloutte," with Vince providing the final comment: “It’s starting to rain and we’re getting Aloutte here!”

The live coverage was a great opportunity to have practical and everyday commuters such as Sophie and Rubani relating their experience riding to work for the benefit of so many people who might not realize that biking to work is so easy.

The news segments had a big effect on registration for the Bike Commuter Challenge, with droves of viewers spreading the videos through social media. Later that day, over 30 new teams and over 200 new users signed up!

Vince Gerasole served as a great host, and in case you didn’t notice, is a very quick thinker while riding his bike!

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