Big thumbs up for Tinley Park’s active transportation plan

Tinley Park’s Village Board passed its active transportation plan this week with flying colors.

""The village board’s unanimous approval of the plan seems to reflect widespread interest in the community about bike facilities. One village official said this plan had more interest than almost any other plan up for village board approval in recent years.

The plan, drawn up by the Active Transportation Alliance, includes recommendations for a bicycle and pedestrian network, street crossings, as well as policies and programs for residents. It zeros in on specific recommendations for bike lanes, bike paths, shared streets, sidewalks and increased ridership of Pace and Metra by 2015 and 2020.

The village has a handful of the new bike facilities currently in the works on 167th Street, Oak Park Avenue and the 80th Avenue bridge. There are also plans for installing biking signs linking areas of Tinley Park to the Mokena’s LaPorte Road trail system.

Tinley Park’s active transportation plan was kicked into gear thanks to funding from the Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) grant. Congratulations Tinley Park!



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