Barrington candidates respond to demand for bicycle amenities

Great to see candidates for local office discussing more bicycling opportunities as a campaign issue. Bike racks, bike lanes and bike paths are all on the minds of suburban residents. Barrington is just one local community where a rising tide of public support has spurred the candidates to talk seriously about bike issues.

This public support came to the forefront in Barrington during a recent series of neighborhood meetings focusing on revising the village’s comprehensive land-use plan. According to one Barrington Village Board candidate commenting about the meetings in a recent article in the Daily Herald, “The number one thing people asked for was additional bike lanes and bike paths."

Many local Chicagoland elections, including the Barrington Village Board election, take place in April. That gives you plenty of time to help educate the candiates on active transporation issues and encourage them to support safer, easier biking, walking and transit.

To help with this process, Active Trans developed a series of questions you can use when approaching your candidates. If you have an opportunity to shine a spotlight on active transportation issues with your local candidates, we'd love to hear about it. Let us know by dropping us a line at [email protected].

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