ABC Quick Check



Air: Check the air in your tires. They should be inflated to the maximum-rated PSI listed on the side of the tire. (If you don’t have a pressure gauge, they should feel as firm as a fully inflated basketball.)


Brakes: Brakes should stop the bike when pushed forward or pulled backward. Brake levers should stop short of reaching the handlebar when pulled.


Chain: The chain should move freely, be free of rust and lightly oiled.



Quick release
Quick releases (the levers that clamp the wheels to the frame) should be engaged and tight. The lever should be curved into the bike and the word “close” will be visible when secured in the proper position. The strength of your whole hand should be required to release the lever.

Check the whole bike
Lift the bike an inch or so off the ground and drop it to identify loose parts that may need attention.


You can also print out our Everyday Biking Guide. 

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Fusce ipsum dui, porta sit amet lorem imperdiet, faucibus varius ligula. Fusce volutpat massa ac orci tincidunt facilisis. Mauris ullamcorper justo id massa euismod, at iaculis est ornare. Nam ac sodales diam. Morbi risus nisi, sagittis non accumsan a, sagittis non ante. Suspendisse potenti. Donec libero sem, molestie et nulla quis, luctus consectetur ante. Mauris in blandit quam. Vestibulum euismod dolor vel consequat sodales. Duis in libero convallis, porttitor risus eget, mollis tortor. Cras mattis sem in vehicula tincidunt.

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A quick maintenance check will ensure a safe, enjoyable ride for you.
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