Tag Archives: transit

Dozens of organizations urge state to rethink priorities with new transportation funding

Feb 25, 2022 | by Julia Gerasimenko

With an influx of federal funding on its way to Illinois, advocates across the state and across the country are reminding state leadership that the funds must be spent on projects that enhance equity and sustainability. As part of that effort, Active Trans joined 50 other advocacy groups from across Illinois in sending a letter to Governor Pritzker and Illinois Department of Transportation Secretary Omer Osman that underscores the great need for them to move beyond the status quo in transportation spending. This means investing in projects that create a transportation system that is more equitable, sustainable, economically productive, safe, accessible, and affordable. State departments of transportation, in our case the Illinois Department of Transportation, have outsized control of how...

Advocates call on RTA to step up engagement on strategic plan

Feb 22, 2022 | by Kyle Whitehead

With the Chicago area's public transit system in crisis, advocates say the Regional Transportation Authority's (RTA) ongoing strategic planning process has thus far failed to meet the needs of this historic moment. Active Trans joined six other regional advocacy groups in sending a letter to the RTA Board of Directors highlighting how the plan is falling short and what's needed to get the transit system through this crisis and, ultimately, help it grow and thrive. Center for Neighborhood Technology Vice President of Government Affairs and longtime Active Trans partner Jacky Grimshaw read the letter into the record at Thursday's board meeting. Following are excerpts from the letter: We are writing to express our strong concern with the Regional Transportation Authority’s...

Transit Equity Day event calls for investment in transit workers & riders

Feb 14, 2022 | by Julia Gerasimenko

Chicago Jobs with Justice recently launched Chicago’s first-ever transit riders union under its campaign Transit4All. Active Transportation Alliance joined Chicago Jobs with Justice for the launch of their initiative as did Warehouse Workers for Justice, Sierra Club of Illinois, and local transit advocates. The goal is to foster an independent organization that would improve public transit for both riders and workers. At a recent event that took place on Transit Equity Day, February 3, announcing the initiative, speakers from the organizations called for: System-wide transit station accessibility Equitable investments in the transit workforce Increasing the frequency of transit service, especially during off-peak hours and in the outlying areas of the city and suburbs Full electrification of our buses and trains...

Top 10 walking, biking, and transit stories of 2021

Dec 16, 2021 | by Kyle Whitehead

In year two of the coronavirus pandemic, Chicago area residents continued to adapt to a changing world and adjusted their transportation habits and expectations for this new reality. Through it all, the Active Transportation Alliance worked with our community partners and legislative allies to fight for more residents to have access to safe, convenient, affordable, and sustainable transportation options. Here’s a look back at 10 of the most important walking, biking, and transit stories and advocacy victories of the year. 1. FEDERAL INFRASTRUCTURE BILL DELIVERS BILLIONS TO CHICAGO AREA In November President Biden signed into law a historic national infrastructure bill that includes unprecedented levels of funding for public transit, walking, and biking. While the bill was being developed, Active Trans and...

Chicago must advance equity and sustainability with new federal transportation funds

Nov 22, 2021 | by Kyle Whitehead

The Infrastructure Investment in Jobs Act (IIJA) provides a historic opportunity for the Chicago area to move beyond car-centric planning and advance racial and environmental justice through transportation investments.  Now we need to make sure regional leaders take advantage of this opportunity. We can’t afford to see these funds go to wasteful roadway projects that only worsen the inequity in our regional transportation system.  This week Active Trans joined a coalition of 12 civic and environmental advocates that is calling for our transportation agencies in the region to develop an inclusive and transparent approach in determining which projects to put forward for newly available federal funds. This inclusive and transparent approach should center the projects' impacts on racial equity and climate change.  Following are excerpts from the letter, which was...

CTA proposes making fare discounts permanent, but more is needed

Nov 5, 2021 | by Active Trans

Relief funding from the federal government has enabled the Chicago Transit Authority to take some steps that make transit service more accessible and welcoming to people with low incomes. The biggest change is making its recently piloted discounted passes program permanent.   While we commend CTA for moving forward with the discounted passes and free transfers in its 2022 budget proposal, we would have liked to see other new initiatives moving forward that would improve service and accessibility.    A WIN FOR FAIR FARES  According to CTA, the one/three/seven-day discounted passes, launched as a pilot on Memorial Day 2021, generated more than 10 million rides over the summer months. This enormous number of rides made it clear that there's a great need...

Ald. La Spata makes sustainable transportation a priority

Oct 28, 2021 | by Maya Norris

Update: On April 4, 2024, we will be honoring Ald. La Spata for being a leading advocate for safer streets in the Chicago City Council. Join us as we recognize him and others at our Movers & Shakers Ball at the Chicago History Museum.   As alderman for Chicago’s 1st Ward, Daniel La Spata has only been on the job for two years. But in that short time, he has already made significant strides enhancing sustainable transportation on the Northwest Side. The longtime community organizer and public policy expert has been pushing for infrastructure and legislation that improves walking, bicycling, and public transit opportunities that not only create safe and accessible sustainable transportation options, but also ultimately enhance the quality...

Chicago adds protected bike lanes, updates bike network strategy

Sep 23, 2021 | by Kyle Whitehead

Chicago announced what it’s calling the “biggest bike lane expansion in the city’s history” this week, saying the new lanes will improve resident health and safety and help build stronger, cleaner, and more resilient neighborhoods.  The news comes thanks to $17 million in new funding in 2021 and 2022 from Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago Works capital plan. This will fund 100 miles of “new and upgraded” bike lanes over two years, including 12 miles of protected bike lanes.  Active Trans joined community and city leaders at a press conference celebrating the new protected bike lanes on 119th Street. The lane — which runs between Ashland and Halsted and connects to the popular Major Taylor Trail — will increase access to jobs, grocery stores,...

Pace Suburban Bus commits to zero emissions by 2040

Sep 20, 2021 | by Kyle Whitehead

Our suburban transit system took an important step forward recently when Pace announced a commitment to zero emission vehicles by 2040 in its strategic plan. In making this commitment, Pace is joining CTA in planning to phase out diesel and compressed natural gas buses within 20 years. This transition will help improve the air quality and health in countless suburban communities that rely on Pace to provide an affordable, sustainable transportation option for their residents. Earlier drafts of the plan simply stated the agency would explore the feasibility of transitioning to electric vehicles. The shift came after months of advocacy led by Sierra Club Illinois, Clean Power Lake County, and the Climate Reality Project. Active Trans and many other civic and...

Metra should get moving on piloting zero emissions trains

Sep 16, 2021 | by Kyle Whitehead

UPDATE (10/13/21): At their October board meeting the Metra board approved the release of the Request for Proposals (RFP) to secure the equipment needed to launch a zero emissions train set pilot.  Active Transportation Alliance joined 28 other civic and environmental organizations in urging Metra to start testing zero emission technology. The coalition delivered a letter to the Metra board on the topic that was read into the record at the September meeting. This came in response to a decision by the board in August to delay the release of a request for proposals that would have kickstarted the process for launching a pilot. Following are excerpts from the letter: As civic and environmental advocates, we enthusiastically support Metra’s pursuit...