Tag Archives: transit

State legislators introduce bill to transform Illinois transit 

Apr 30, 2024 | by Jim Merrell

Speaking at a press conference in the Great Hall of Chicago’s Union Station, Illinois State Senator Ram Villivalam and State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado unveiled a transformational package of legislation aimed at dramatically remaking how public transit is managed and funded in the state. Chief among the proposed reforms is combining the existing four regional transit agencies (the Regional Transit Authority, the Chicago Transit Authority, Pace, and Metra) into a new consolidated Metropolitan Mobility Authority. A companion appropriations bill would set aside a minimum of $1.5 billion each year from the State of Illinois in additional operating funds for Illinois transit agencies. “Sustainable public transportation supports livable, walkable communities, enables equitable and affordable access to opportunities, underpins a vibrant economy, and...

Our journey towards better transit requires unity and action

Mar 19, 2024 | by Ted Villaire

As our region’s transit system faces unprecedented funding and service challenges, a powerful movement is underway, driven by the collective voices of those who know we deserve better service from our trains and buses. Our recent gathering at the Transit is Essential Town Hall, held at the Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in the Douglas neighborhood, showed the transformative power of people connecting and sharing their stories. It was a moment when about 90 individuals from diverse walks of life—students, commuters, parents, and seniors—came together to hear about one another’s personal experiences and the challenges they face with our current transit system. The stories shared were poignant, painting vivid images of the struggles that come with unreliable public transportation.    ...

Inadequate hiring pipeline continues to impact CTA service

Feb 2, 2024 | by Julia Gerasimenko

Rail service at the CTA, unfortunately, continues to be plagued by issues surrounding hiring and  training. The persistent problems with the agency’s employment pipeline means riders continue to be frustrated with unreliable, infrequent transit service, and CTA workers continue to be frustrated by lack of adequate job growth opportunities.  In late December, we mobilized nearly 900 transit supporters in response to the proposed 2024 CTA budget. The goal was to get the CTA board to invest in operator training and increase the number of courses offered. We’re confident that these steps will go a long way in restoring pre-pandemic levels of service on CTA. In early January, we finally received a response from the CTA board indicating that it was...

Mayor Johnson should make 2024 the Year of the Bus 

Jan 3, 2024 | by Julia Gerasimenko

At the Active Transportation Alliance, we often hear from Chicago transit riders who are fed up with buses that are unreliable and often delayed. Indeed, it’s a major barrier that keeps many people from using buses. Slow buses that are undependable ensure that people will find other ways of getting around the city. Thankfully, we know how to fix this problem — and the solution is very do-able. Countless examples in other cities have shown that bus priority infrastructure is the most cost-effective intervention when it comes to improving the experience for riders and operators. With confidence in the CTA at what seems to be an all-time low, the agency could use a boost to its reputation. Prioritizing buses on...

Fighting for a robust transit system, now and for decades to come 

Nov 13, 2023 | by Active Trans

Our region’s transit system is facing a pivotal moment.  While ridership is on the rebound from pandemic lows, service is not meeting rider needs and the system is heading towards a significant fiscal cliff. If you’re frustrated with transit service now, be warned that it will be far worse if this funding gap is not addressed. If we don’t intervene, our local transit systems will need to make drastic cuts that could be along the lines of: Four out of eight CTA train lines. 90 out of 129 CTA bus routes. 70 out of 210 Pace bus routes. Six out of 11 Metra lines. And we have to keep front and center the reality that if the region’s transit system...

Explore the Heritage Corridor this fall with Metra

Sep 12, 2023 | by Ted Villaire

Metra is offering special service on the Heritage Corridor Line on Saturdays this fall, giving Chicago-area residents opportunities to explore the biking and running paths, festivals, craft breweries, restaurants, and communities along the Metra route that runs southwest of the city to Joliet. Dubbed “Rails, Trails and Ales,” the program offers three round-trip trains, each equipped with Metra’s new bike cars to carry extra bikes, on Saturdays through Oct. 14. The trains will leave Chicago Union Station at 10:30 a.m., 4:15 p.m., and 8 p.m. and make all stops to Joliet. Inbound trips will depart Joliet at 8 a.m., 1:45 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. making all stops to Union Station. In a news release, Metra CEO/Executive Director Jim Derwinski said...

CTA takes a step toward greater transparency  

Aug 7, 2023 | by David Powe

We commend CTA’s recent initiatives to improve service and elevate transparency with the launch of an even more robust interactive performance dashboard, as part of its “Meeting the Moment” plan.   This forward-thinking initiative responds to the calls from riders and advocates for more transparency and reliable service.   As a part of its Meeting the Moment plan, CTA's performance metrics report has evolved into an info-packed interactive visual dashboard that is updated monthly.   This newest version of the dashboard provides riders with a 13-month operational history alongside key performance indicators that include:  Service delivery performance, filtered by rail line and bus route  Bus and rail operator hiring and attrition statistics Status of elevators and escalators Instances of bus and rail...

A quick rundown of sustainable transportation projects in Chicago

Jul 28, 2023 | by Olivia Borowiak

Active Transportation Alliance recently invited local advocates to gather for the latest news and updates about projects impacting sustainable transportation in the region. Kicking off the discussion was an update on Mayor Brandon Johnson’s transition transportation subcommittee. Active Transportation Alliance, which served on the subcommittee, was pleased that priorities like restricting right turns on red lights and limiting commercial traffic on residential streets were among the recommendations. The committee also recommended closely considering the impacts of development and making sure to invest in transportation systems in underserved areas. (You could read more about Mayor Johnson’s transition report here.) The discussion covered a handful of ongoing initiatives that are intended improve public transportation. The Better Streets for Busses Plan, which is...

Bold solutions needed from state to address serious transit problems

Mar 15, 2023 | by Ted Villaire

At a recent hearing held by the Illinois Senate, the Active Transportation Alliance and other advocates urged lawmakers to step up with needed support for a host of transit problems, including a looming funding cliff and the need for better governance for the transit agencies. “The impending transit funding cliff forces us to ask hard questions about the structure of our future transit system,” said Audrey Wennink, senior director of transportation at Metropolitan Planning Council, in her testimony at the hearing. “In the next year legislators are going to be asked to make some important and tough decisions. Now is the time to be preparing for that.” During the hearing, Illinois Senate committee members heard from the leaders of the...

Better bus service is a crucial election issue

Feb 14, 2023 | by Courtney Cobbs

The Active Transportation Alliance is part of the Safe Streets for All, Transit That Works coalition that is working to educate Chicago voters for the municipal elections on February 28 and April 4. The coalition developed a platform based on concerns and wishes for Chicago’s transportation landscape. While the platform covers a range of topics surrounding sustainable transportation, two of the top concerns of the platform are unreliable bus and rail service and slow bus service. Given the CTA operator shortage, it’s crucial for the CTA to attract and retain new transit operators. The Safe Streets for All, Transit That Works election platform recommends better compensation and schedules that allow for operators to have a healthier work-life balance. Providing restrooms...