Suburban Action Week 2021 was a huge success featuring 25 short online talks and workshops with advocates, county staff, and community leaders from around the Chicagoland region. The sessions below are divided into three categories: Workshops, Advocacy Talks, and County/Transit Updates. Enjoy the recordings and share with your community!
Workshops – Workshops aimed at increasing your capacity and effectiveness as an advocate.
- Ask an Artist: Promoting Pedestrian & Cyclist Safety through Public Art
- Mary Fedorowski, Chicago Artist, Founder, Overbite Studio
- Ask an Engineer: How Projects Get Built
- Mike Kerr, President, Christopher B. Burke Engineering
- Suburban Advocacy Training 101
- Jim Merrell, Managing Director of Advocacy, and Maggie Czerwinski, Advocacy Manager
- Inclusive Community Engagement Workshop
- Alex Perez, Advocacy Manager, and Maggie Czerwinski, Advocacy Manager
Advocacy Talks – Get tips and advice on best practices from advocates who have carried out campaigns to improve walking, biking and transit in their communities.
- Advocacy Talk: Active Trans and Ride Illinois Executive Directors
- Amy Rynell, Executive Director, Active Transportation Alliance, and Dave Simmons, Executive Director, Ride Illinois
- Advocacy Talk: Bike Walk Oak Park
- Sylvia Schweri, Bike Walk Oak Park
- Advocacy Talk: Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric
- Co-chairs for a Coalition for a Modern Metra Electric Andrea Reed and Linda Thisted
- Advocacy Talk: Cycle Brookfield
- Chris Valadez and Terri Rivera, Cycle Brookfield
- Advocacy Talk: Elgin Community Bikes
- Parker Thompson, Elgin Community Bikes
- Advocacy Talk: Friends of the East Branch DuPage River Trail
- Leaders Committee for Friends of the EBDRT: Libby A’Hearn Gilmore, Ginger Wheeler, and Steve Johnson
- Advocacy Talk: McHenry County Bicycling Advocates & Cycling Without Age
- A 2-part talk with Eberhard Viet, President, McHenry County Bicycling Advocates and Greg Glover, Cycling Without Age
- Advocacy Talk: Midwest Sustainability Group
- Barbara Klipp, Executive Director, Midwest Sustainability Group
- Advocacy Talk: Q&A with Daily Herald Biking Columnist
- Ralph Banasiak, Daily Herald ‘Along for the Ride’ Columnist
- Advocacy Talk: Suburban Community Leaders