Redefine the Drive: North DuSable Lake Shore Drive


Project leaders: Illinois Department of Transportation, Chicago Department of Transportation, Chicago Park District


Project summary: The Illinois Department of Transportation and the Chicago Department of Transportation have been studying rebuilding 7 miles of the 8-lane North DuSable Lake Shore Drive (DLSD) between Grand Avenue and Hollowood Avenue.

Some public meetings have been held and more are coming. Project alternative are expected to be announced this fall.

Unfortunately, advocates do not anticipate an alternative with bus priority lanes to be chosen. We urge the Governor and the Mayor of Chicago to direct the project team to revisit the purpose and need of the project.

Get the latest updates on the project from the Redefine the Drive website.


Status: Proposed


Expected construction cost: $3.4 – $3.7 billion

City of Chicago Aldermanic Wards: 43, 44, 46, 48

Illinois House Districts: 11, 12, 13, 14, 26

Illinois Senate Districts: 6, 7, 13

US Congressional Districts: 5, 7, 9




Keep track of project activities:


Better Streets Chicago is a local grassroots advocacy group that is organizing efforts to ensure that a newly envisioned DLSD will give priority to the movement of people rather than cars:


In the news 


Contact the project team:  

c/o Civiltech
30 N. LaSalle, Suite 3320
Chicago, IL 60602Phone: 630-735-3086
Email: [email protected]

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