Let's make walking, biking, and public transit safe and equitable options for getting around Chicagoland.
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The weblog of Active Transportation Alliance
Post image: TransitCenter’s new report, “Who’s on Board 2016: What Today’s Riders Teach Us About Transit That Works,” concludes that speed and frequency of transit matter most to riders. The report […]
Learn MorePost image: New to bike riding? Or do you just want to brush on up on your rusty bicycling skills? Either way the Chicago Department of Transportation has you covered. […]
Learn MoreHave you wondered how to get pot holes fixed or have you evetn looked for safety tips on biking? Active Transportation Alliance’s resource bank serves as a source for information […]
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The Chicago region’s current hub-and-spoke transit system leaves nearly half a million Cook County residents stranded in transit deserts.
Want better options for walking, biking, and transit in Chicagoland? Here's your opportunity to get involved.
We want more people choosing transportation options that are healthy, fun and environmentally-friendly.
Learn about our work
Whether it’s at the neighborhood, regional or national level, Active Trans works with residents, lawmakers and community leaders to make biking, walking and transit easier and more inviting.