Let's make walking, biking, and public transit safe and equitable options for getting around Chicagoland.
Recent Blog Posts
The weblog of Active Transportation Alliance
This week, Chicago took another step in affirming its commitment to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries on our streets.Mayor Emanuel announced the city will release a three-year Vision Zero […]
Learn MorePost image: Last week, Active Trans held a Divvy celebration and advocacy meeting in Evanston. It was a great evening of networking and discussion. The meeting started with a celebration […]
Learn MorePost image: Manor Avenue on Chicago’s North Side is already a popular route for biking and walking, but its popularity is expected to soar once pieces of the Chicago River Trail […]
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The Chicago region’s current hub-and-spoke transit system leaves nearly half a million Cook County residents stranded in transit deserts.
Want better options for walking, biking, and transit in Chicagoland? Here's your opportunity to get involved.
We want more people choosing transportation options that are healthy, fun and environmentally-friendly.
Learn about our work
Whether it’s at the neighborhood, regional or national level, Active Trans works with residents, lawmakers and community leaders to make biking, walking and transit easier and more inviting.