Tag Archives: covid-19

Open streets and Chicagoland’s transportation recovery planning

May 6, 2020 | by Jim Merrell

We’ve been listening to feedback from our supporters about open streets and want to respond in order to clarify some important points. We also want to continue to share how we are developing our overall response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We do not oppose open streets. By raising concerns about potential harms to public health and urging that any initiative be community-informed, we regret that some supporters got the impression we’re against any changes to street design during the pandemic. We appreciate everyone engaging with us and look forward to continuing the conversations. Amidst all of this, we cannot lose sight of the immense human and economic toll befalling communities across our region, in particular among Black and Brown people....

Exploring open streets during COVID-19

Apr 30, 2020 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

In response to the challenges of COVID-19, many cities around the country opted to close streets to cars or reconfigure traffic lanes to create more dedicated space for walking and biking. While more information is needed to understand the true impact of these initiatives, many are wondering if this is a viable and safe strategy that could work for all communities in our region. We believe streets should prioritize people over cars and have long advocated for solutions like open streets, greenways, and protected bike lanes. We are excited to see these concepts being adopted by more people and places. It's critical, though, that when considering open streets and lane reconfigurations that a thoughtful, local approach is taken — an...

Active Trans endorses Fair Tax ballot initiative

Apr 29, 2020 | by Kyle Whitehead

A progressive state income tax would advance our mission to create more healthy, sustainable, and equitable communities in the Chicago region.  WHAT IS THE FAIR TAX?  The Fair Tax constitutional amendment would change the state constitution by eliminating the requirement that says the state of Illinois must tax income at a single rate. Passing the Fair Tax amendment would allow for higher taxation rates for higher incomes and lower taxation rates for people with low and moderate incomes, as the federal income tax is structured.  After legislators voted in 2019 to put this question before voters, it will appear on Illinois’ November 2020 general election ballot. A "yes" vote of more than 50 percent of those voting in the election or more than 60 percent of...

COVID-19 resources and information from Active Trans

Apr 23, 2020 | by Ted Villaire

As we address the global pandemic, the Active Transportation Alliance is adapting and responding — and continuing to do the important work of fighting for clean and equitable transportation. As with many other critical public systems, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the underlying inequities in Chicago’s transportation network. Years of disinvestment mean that the Black and Latinx communities hit hardest by COVID-19 in Chicago were already struggling with inadequate transportation options before the pandemic. Now public health measures have led to capacity limits on transit, and the evaporation of fare revenue raises the specter of future cuts to service. This is happening as essential workers, who are disproportionately Black and Latinx in Chicago, need access to affordable public transit more...

Safe walking and biking during COVID-19

Apr 20, 2020 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

The COVID-19 public health crisis and the current stay at home order are directly impacting the way most of us move on a daily basis. Many questions have arisen over what this means for walking and biking and how to safely navigate sidewalks, streets, and trails. During this time, it is important to follow public health guidelines. Although it seems to conflict with our mission as a transportation advocacy group to say, please stay home as much as you can. We're confident it will help save lives and prioritize our streets for essential workers who are on the frontlines serving all of us. If you do need to go outside for an essential walking or biking trip, or a brief...

Community-based organizations adapt to serve local needs

Apr 14, 2020 | by Lynda Lopez

Over the last month, much of the regular work we engage in has had to adapt to the changing circumstances and needs. This is also true for community partners in our network. To better understand the needs and work underway in communities across the city, we’ve been having conversations with our partners to learn more about their current efforts. While the work we're highlighting isn't directly about transportation, we feel it's essential to shine a spotlight on the crucial work happening in community-based organizations around the city at this time. Julio Rodriguez, Director of Community Development at the Northwest Side Housing Center in Belmont-Cragin, says that adapting to the changing needs has been key for his organization. “We’re trying our...