Tag Archives: Bicycling

Chicago needs more bikeways

May 10, 2019 | by Jim Merrell

As a new mayor and city council prepare to take office, we need to ensure that Chicago builds upon its success by creating more bikeways for all ages and abilities and ensure that they are accessible to all Chicagoans. The transition to a new administration provides a natural opportunity to reflect on recent progress and future opportunities to improve our network of bikeways. That’s why we’ve called on the city to build 100 miles of new bikeways by 2023. Mayor Lightfoot and 24 members of city council have already endorsed this goal. Since 2011, Chicago’s bike network has grown rapidly, adding nearly 150 new miles of bikeways. Despite this progress, 60 percent of Chicagoans still do not have access to...

Will you join Mayor Rockingham?

May 8, 2019 | by Ted Villaire

Mayor Leon Rockingham wants to see his city of North Chicago become a better place for walking and biking. He knows the residents of this Lake County community want safer streets and they want a healthier, cleaner place to live. And like any community that wants to see these changes, he relies on the state to help. The problem is that state lawmakers often seem to only care about people driving cars. As legislators in Springfield mull a capital bill, Mayor Rockingham has joined a call for lawmakers to ensure that the bill funds walking and biking infrastructure. While transportation projects will likely receive the lion’s share of the capital budget bill, early drafts of the bill don't include any...

Elgin legislators support funding trails and safe streets

Apr 22, 2019 | by Barb Cornew

On a recent beautiful Friday afternoon along the Fox River Trail in Elgin, State Senator Cristina Castro and State Representative Anna Moeller said they will advocate for funding projects in a capital bill that will make the city safer and more friendly to people walking and biking. This is good news for Active Trans and partners across the state who are calling for state legislators to dedicate $50 million annually to safe streets and trails projects in a capital bill. The Elgin event brought together various supporters in the area, including Elgin Bike Hub, Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin, members of Elgin City Council and longtime bicycling advocate Tom Armstrong. See coverage of the event in the Daily Herald. The...

Helping shape Chicago for better transportation

Apr 18, 2019 | by Maya Norris

February 2020 update: John Buck will be receiving the Active Trans Visionary Leadership Award at our 2020 Awards Reception on March 5. Please join us.   ______________________ More people live and work in the Loop than ever before. And many credit John Buck in part for helping to contribute to that soaring growth and vibrancy of the city’s central business district. Considered one of the patriarchs of commercial real estate development in Chicago, Buck (pictured left) has spent the last 40 years shaping the Chicago skyline with his iconic buildings in the Loop, helping to create a dense, compact downtown that lends itself to walking, biking and public transit. Now as a donor to Active Trans, Buck is partnering with his...

Mayor-elect Lightfoot can create safer streets for all

Apr 3, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

The election is over and Mayor-elect Lightfoot must quickly get to work building a transportation network in which everyone can get where they need to go. As mayor, Lori Lightfoot can reduce traffic crashes and ease congestion by making it easier to get around without driving or riding alone in a car. Lightfoot supports upgrading Chicago’s transportation network with more bus lanes, bike lanes and off-street trails – all of which have proven to boost the health, sustainability and equity of Chicago neighborhoods. She says progress on safe streets has slowed in recent years and she would “redouble Chicago’s efforts,” citing declines in the number of bump-outs, enhanced crosswalks and bike lanes relative to peer cities. Lightfoot says she will...

Take action for safer streets and trails in Illinois

Apr 1, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

A bill that could boost funding for Illinois communities looking to be more bike- and walk-friendly passed out of committee in Springfield. Now we need your help to make sure it passes the Illinois General Assembly and is sent to the governor’s desk. Take action now for safer streets and trails in Illinois. Senate Bill 2016 (SB2016) establishes a Complete Streets and Trails Local Grant Program in Illinois. Local governments could apply for grants to build and extend trails or make street improvements for vulnerable users on foot and on bikes. Eligible projects would include pedestrian refuge islands, crosswalk countdown timers, pedestrian crossing signs, upgraded trail crossings and bike lanes that create orderly street space for all. Tell your state legislators...

Get ready for Fifth Third Bike the Drive on May 26

Mar 29, 2019 | by Clare McDermott

Notice anything different? MB Financial Bank recently merged with Fifth Third Bank, and Active Trans is thrilled to announce this new partnership. Welcome to Fifth Third Bike the Drive ! Participants will still enjoy a car-free Lake Shore Drive and experience all the magical moments that this event has become famous for. Join this iconic two-wheeled celebration on May 26 and feel proud knowing that you're supporting efforts to make biking, walking and transit safe and easy options for getting around Chicagoland. Since 2010, MB Financial Bank has served as the title sponsor of Active Trans’ marquee event. Along with its support, the event has grown into one of the nation's best and largest organized bike rides. Active Trans is...

25th Ward candidates share views on El Paseo

Mar 29, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The final two candidates in the 25th Ward aldermanic runoff election — Alex Acevedo and Byron Sigcho-Lopez — both pledge to support a continuous Chicago River Trail. While they both support the trail, they also say their support is contingent on policies being in place that prevent displacement and ensure that transportation improvements are shared equitably. The 25th Ward, located on Chicago's Lower West Side, includes parts of Pilsen, Chinatown, the West Loop and the South Loop. The seat is currently held by Ald. Danny Solis. Recently, Active Trans and our partners walked a stretch of El Paseo (pictured left) with each candidate in order to discuss more details about how we can make the trail a reality in the...

Bike Walk Oak Park educates community about candidates

Mar 28, 2019 | by Active Trans

This guest blog post was written by Brian Crawford, co-chair of Bike Walk Oak Park, an advocacy group that works to improve biking and walking in the near west suburb of Oak Park. The views expressed here by Bike Walk Oak Park are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Active Transportation Alliance.   With the April 2 municipal elections presenting Oak Park voters with 11 candidates for three village trustee vacancies, Bike Walk Oak Park (BWOP) took advantage of the opportunity to query the candidates on pedestrian/bicycle issues and present the results to voters. This is an important election for Oak Parkers concerned about these issues. The board is losing two of its more supportive...

Chicago’s bike share system should remain public

Mar 15, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Update [4/10/19]: Chicago City Council voted to approve the contract amendment and expand Divvy to all 50 wards! Thanks to everyone who took action and helped keep Chicago's bike share system public. Stay tuned for ways to help fight for an inclusive, equitable expansion process. Update [3/26/19]: We recently sent a letter to Chicago City Council enthusiastically supporting the proposed amendment of the City of Chicago’s existing contract for the operation of Divvy, Chicago’s highly successful bike share program. The proposed deal achieves the goal of expanding Divvy citywide, while keeping the system in public hands. ---------------- Divvy is two-wheeled public transit. All Chicagoans deserve access to an expanded, well-run bike sharing system that is integrated with other forms of public...