
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

Mayor-elect Lightfoot can create safer streets for all

Apr 3, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

The election is over and Mayor-elect Lightfoot must quickly get to work building a transportation network in which everyone can get where they need to go.

As mayor, Lori Lightfoot can reduce traffic crashes and ease congestion by making it easier to get around without driving or riding alone in a car.

Lightfoot supports upgrading Chicago’s transportation network with more bus lanes, bike lanes and off-street trails – all of which have proven to boost the health,

Take action for safer streets and trails in Illinois

Apr 1, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

A bill that could boost funding for Illinois communities looking to be more bike- and walk-friendly passed out of committee in Springfield.

Now we need your help to make sure it passes the Illinois General Assembly and is sent to the governor’s desk.

Take action now for safer streets and trails in Illinois.

Senate Bill 2016 (SB2016) establishes a Complete Streets and Trails Local Grant Program in Illinois. 

Drive to Work Day, June 21

Apr 1, 2019 | by Ron Burke

If you’re looking for something fun to do on June 21, you should consider participating in this year’s Drive to Work Day.

Drive to Work Day is an initiative organized by the Chicago Area Road Builders Alliance when everyone is encouraged to try automobile commuting as a fun way to experience rush hour traffic.

To encourage participation, the road building group is also hosting the Car Commuter Challenge, a competition among local businesses and organizations to determine who can get the most staff driving to work.


Get ready for Fifth Third Bike the Drive on May 26

Mar 29, 2019 | by Clare McDermott

Notice anything different? MB Financial Bank recently merged with Fifth Third Bank, and Active Trans is thrilled to announce this new partnership. Welcome to Fifth Third Bike the Drive !

Participants will still enjoy a car-free Lake Shore Drive and experience all the magical moments that this event has become famous for.

Join this iconic two-wheeled celebration on May 26 and feel proud knowing that you’re supporting efforts to make biking,

39th Ward candidates support river trail initiatives

Mar 29, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The final two candidates for alderman in the 39th Ward runoff election — Robert Murphy and Samantha Nugent — support trail projects that would move the city closer to a continuous Chicago River Trail.

The 39th Ward is on Chicago’s Northwest Side and includes all or parts of Albany Park, North Park, Hollywood Park, Mayfair, Sauganash, Edgebrook, Old Edgebrook, Gladstone Park, Indian Woods and Forest Glen.

Recently, Active Trans and our partners joined each candidate for a walk in Gompers Park to advocate for two key priorities that would be major steps toward a continuous Chicago River Trail:

  • The Weber Spur Trail (pictured left) would create the ultimate low-stress connection for people walking and biking between the North Branch,

Walking the river with 33rd Ward candidates

Mar 29, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The development and building of a continuous Chicago River Trail is an initiative that both candidates in the 33rd Ward aldermanic runoff election support.

Deb Mell and Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez are the candidates in the 33rd Ward, which is on Chicago’s North Side and includes parts of Ravenswood Manor, Avondale, Albany Park and Irving Park. The seat is currently held by Ald. Deb. Mell.

Recently, Active Trans and our partners joined each candidate for a walk along Belmont Avenue over the Chicago River in order to highlight two important river trail priorities:

  • Connecting the 312 RiverRun Trail that will end at Belmont Avenue (pictured) to the trail at Lathrop Homes,

25th Ward candidates share views on El Paseo

Mar 29, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The final two candidates in the 25th Ward aldermanic runoff election — Alex Acevedo and Byron Sigcho-Lopez — both pledge to support a continuous Chicago River Trail.

While they both support the trail, they also say their support is contingent on policies being in place that prevent displacement and ensure that transportation improvements are shared equitably.

The 25th Ward, located on Chicago’s Lower West Side, includes parts of Pilsen, Chinatown, the West Loop and the South Loop.

Bike Walk Oak Park educates community about candidates

Mar 28, 2019 | by Active Trans

This guest blog post was written by Brian Crawford, co-chair of Bike Walk Oak Park, an advocacy group that works to improve biking and walking in the near west suburb of Oak Park. The views expressed here by Bike Walk Oak Park are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Active Transportation Alliance.


With the April 2 municipal elections presenting Oak Park voters with 11 candidates for three village trustee vacancies,

Duo moves DuPage trail forward

Mar 25, 2019 | by Maya Norris

Sometimes if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. That’s the lesson Ginger Wheeler learned firsthand. The marketing consultant spent five years trying to interest various private and public agencies to take the lead in advocating for building a connector trail along the East Branch DuPage River Greenway Trail to no avail.

But when Wheeler (pictured left) met Libby A’Hearn (pictured right) at an Active Transportation Alliance event, they discovered that they had the same idea and decided to team up to get the funding needed to build the 31-mile East Branch DuPage River Greenway Trail.


Apply to bring Bike Week 2019 to your community!

Mar 21, 2019 | by Julia Gerasimenko

Active Trans is pleased to announce a mini-grant opportunity to support community-based events during Chicago Bike Week, which will be held June 21 – 28, 2019.

This funding opportunity will award four grants of $250 each.

Applicants are encouraged to be creative and there are no limitations on the types of events that may be supported. It could be a series of community bike rides, an educational workshops, a bike repair demonstration,