
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

Chicago needs more bikeways

May 10, 2019 | by Jim Merrell

As a new mayor and city council prepare to take office, we need to ensure that Chicago builds upon its success by creating more bikeways for all ages and abilities and ensure that they are accessible to all Chicagoans.

The transition to a new administration provides a natural opportunity to reflect on recent progress and future opportunities to improve our network of bikeways.

That’s why we’ve called on the city to build 100 miles of new bikeways by 2023.

Will you join Mayor Rockingham?

May 8, 2019 | by Ted Villaire

Mayor Leon Rockingham wants to see his city of North Chicago become a better place for walking and biking.

He knows the residents of this Lake County community want safer streets and they want a healthier, cleaner place to live.

And like any community that wants to see these changes, he relies on the state to help.

The problem is that state lawmakers often seem to only care about people driving cars.

Connecting the 312 RiverRun to Lathrop Homes trail

May 6, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

As exciting as it is to see new trails emerging along the Chicago River, it’s important to keep in mind that trails return the greatest public benefits when they are connected, linking people to jobs, shopping districts and recreational opportunities.

One area that offers a prime opportunity to connect trails is from the end of the 312 RiverRun Trail at Belmont Avenue south to the path at Lathrop Homes (pictured),

E-scooter pilot can help win street space back from cars

May 2, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Update [6/11/19]: Chicago selected 10 vendors to participate in the four-month pilot program launching Saturday June 15 on the West Side.


Chicago needs better alternatives to driving and more of them. Thanks to a new pilot program, electric scooters may become part of a growing list of more efficient transportation options.

Chicago launched an e-scooter sharing pilot program that will begin on June 15 in much of the western side of the city (see graphic,

Manor Greenway adds to emerging Chicago River Trail

Apr 23, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

In another big step toward a continuous Chicago River Trail, the city has completed the Manor Neighborhood Greenway on the Northwest Side.

The greenway adds a comfortable on-street connection for people walking and biking on Manor Avenue between Lawrence and Montrose Avenues (Pictured: raised crosswalk at Lawrence and Manor Avenues).

By adding these facilities, the neighborhood greenway makes it safer to travel between Horner Park to the south and Ronan Park to the north,

Elgin legislators support funding trails and safe streets

Apr 22, 2019 | by Barb Cornew

On a recent beautiful Friday afternoon along the Fox River Trail in Elgin, State Senator Cristina Castro and State Representative Anna Moeller said they will advocate for funding projects in a capital bill that will make the city safer and more friendly to people walking and biking.

This is good news for Active Trans and partners across the state who are calling for state legislators to dedicate $50 million annually to safe streets and trails projects in a capital bill.

Rush hour bus lanes coming to Chicago Avenue

Apr 19, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a new Bus Priority Zones program featuring upgrades to several of the busiest routes in the city, including Chicago Avenue, 79th Street and Western Avenue.

The upgrades include rush hour bus lanes on Chicago from Larrabee to Michigan Avenue — through the heart of the River North area where congestion routinely slows down packed buses traveling to the West Side. Other investments include a new cul-de-sac at the Chicago/Milwaukee/Ogden intersection and traffic signal optimization on several routes.

Support Emmett St. affordable housing project

Apr 18, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The high cost of housing near sustainable transportation options — CTA train stations in particular — is a major barrier to our vision for Chicago in which all residents can easily walk, bike and take public transportation.

That’s why we hope to see the proposed affordable housing project on Emmett Street (pictured) in Logan Square get built.

Many of our partners, including Logan Square Neighborhood Association and Metropolitan Planning Council,

Helping shape Chicago for better transportation

Apr 18, 2019 | by Maya Norris

February 2020 update: John Buck will be receiving the Active Trans Visionary Leadership Award at our 2020 Awards Reception on March 5. Please join us.  


More people live and work in the Loop than ever before. And many credit John Buck in part for helping to contribute to that soaring growth and vibrancy of the city’s central business district.

Considered one of the patriarchs of commercial real estate development in Chicago,

Coalition advances river trail initiatives

Apr 11, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

The emerging network of trails along the Chicago River presents a valuable opportunity to string together a 27-mile path along the length of the river.

It’s an ambitious goal given that the river runs through so many neighborhoods and is a source of great interest for so many businesses, nonprofit organizations and individuals — as well as a growing number of private development projects.

For these reasons, we believe the Chicago River Trail coalition will serve as a key element in the development of the trail.