
Did You Know?

Chicago’s first protected bike lane on Kinzie St. increased ridership by 55 percent without increasing traffic congestion for cars.

Where to Bike Chicago Photo Contest


Where to Bike Chicago announces a Bicycle Photo Contest and Exhibit for Chicagoland.
The juried competition offers $1,000 in cash prizes and publication, with credit, in the forthcoming guidebook, Where to Bike Chicago.

1 Grand Prize ($300); 2 First Places ($200); 3 Second Places ($100).
No fee to enter.
Deadline: July 15, 2010

Photos should exemplify the joy of bicycling. They must depict at least 1 person (an adult or your own child) with a bike. Subjects riding must be wearing a helmet; subjects sitting on, walking, and standing or sitting next to a bike should not be wearing a helmet so their faces are more visible.  Each entry must be a sharp, crisp, high-quality digital jpg – 300 dpi at 4×6 inches, or larger. Photos remain the property of the photographer.  For the rules, a list of the rides and more information, see (going live soon) or email Greg Borzo at