Congratulations to the Village of Wheeling for adopting an active transportation plan!
Nearly 250 people from the north suburban community helped shape the plan: Local residents, business owners, elected officials, and representatives from the schools, park districts, bike clubs and community organizations all provided valuable feedback.
The plan contains guidance on where improvements for walking and biking are most needed, what types of improvements to make, policies to encourage coordinated planning of future bike and pedestrian facilities, maintenance plans for existing facilities, and programming ideas for encouraging people to walk and ride in Wheeling. It's all there!
Active Trans was pleased by the amount of enthusiasm within Wheeling for the plan. Already, members of the village board have discussed moving ahead with some of the plan's recommendations.
The recently-adopted plan was a year-long project lead by the Active Transportation Alliance in partnership with the Village of Wheeling, with support from TranSystems, a transportation design and engineering firm, and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning.
Photo above shows one of the community meetings where Wheeling residents provided their input on the plan.