
Did You Know?

People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Volunteers needed for downtown Chicago bike count Sept. 25 & 29

Help raise public awareness of bike issues and document the demand for more bikeways in Chicago! The Chicago Department of Transportation Bike Program needs volunteers to count bicyclists during one or more of the following times:

  • Tuesday, Sept. 25, 7AM – 9AM
  • Tuesday, Sept. 25, 4PM – 6PM
  • Saturday, Sept. 29, noon – 2PM

CDOT will provide training on data collection and no experience is necessary.

The 2012 Downtown Bike Count will be conducted quarterly and will help measure the success of existing bike facilities and the demand for new facilities. In June of 2012, volunteers recorded more than 10,700 bicyclists at 24 locations entering and exiting the Central Business District during the morning and afternoon peak hours.

To volunteer or to learn more, please contact: Dave Smith, CDOT Bikeways Planner, at or 312.742.7620.