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Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Volunteer for the Fall 2015 Downtown Bike Count

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The Active Transportation Alliance is recruiting volunteers to help with the Fall 2015 Downtown Bike Count.

The Fall count is scheduled for the following dates and times: 

• Tuesday, September 29th from 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM

• Tuesday, September 29th from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM

• Saturday, October 3rd from Noon – 2:00 PM

Volunteers have helped document the need for better bicycle infrastructure to help make Chicago an even better place for bicycling. Chicago is on its way to having one of the most exciting downtown bikeways networks in the country, including upcoming protected bike lanes on Randolph, Washington, and Clinton as part of the Loop Link.  Earlier this year, Chicago installed a ‘Green Wave’ on Wells Street and construction is wrapping up on the Clybourn protected bike lane, the City’s second bike lane to use concrete separation.

No experience necessary! To volunteer contact Jim Merrell at  We'll set you up with instructions, materials, and a location!