
Did You Know?

Only 24 percent of jobs in the region are accessible by transit in 90 minutes or less by a typical resident — and that number drops to 12 percent in the suburbs.

Two Great News Stories Support Active Transportation

There are two great news stories in today's headlines that is helping keep active transportation in the minds of Americans.  First off is the announcement that President Elect Barack Obama is heading to Washington for the inauguration by train.  This is good news for many reasons, but most notably that he's off supporting transit as a viable means to get from town to town.  Perhaps his experience will help pursuade him that we need high speed rail in this country if we are truly to be on of the most civilized and modern countries.,0,6649539.story

Second up is the release of a new study showing that leaner nations bike, walk and use mass transit more.  Couldn't have cooked a better headline that that of MSNBC today.