Transit rally Tuesday: Say "no" to service delays, fare increases and over-crowding!

While the CTA and Metra are considering fare hikes and service cuts for their 2012 budgets, our legislators in DC are considering massive cuts to funding for public transit.

""Our transit agencies are already having a hard enough time maintaining stations and keeping buses and trains running. If federal funding cuts are implemented, transit riders can expect even more service delays, fare increases and over-crowding.

The House and Senate last week approved a six-month extension of funding for transit, walking and biking. But the debate starts now on a longer term transportation bill.

Considering a proposal out of the House earlier this summer to slash funding 35 percent across the board, we know we have a challenging debate ahead of us.

Transit advocates across the country will be joining together tomorrow for a Don’t X Out Public Transportation Rally to send the message to Congress that we need to increase investment in transit. Our elected leaders have put transit on the back-burner for long enough!

Join Transportation for America-Illinois, Riders for Better Transit and other local transit partners at the Chicago rally tomorrow:

Don’t X Out Public Transportation Rally
4 p.m., Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Union Station, 251 N. Clinton St., Chicago, Illinois 60661 (In the Great Hall)

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