
Did You Know?

Only 0.7 percent of federal transportation funds are spent on improving pedestrian facilities.

Transit questionnaire sent to mayoral and alderman candidates

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With the 2015 municipal elections in Chicago approaching, we have asked candidates running for mayor and alderman in all 50 of the city’s wards to respond to a candidate questionnaire on bike/walk/transit issues.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, Active Trans does not endorse candidates for public office. The purpose of the candidate questionnaire is purely informational.

View the questions we asked candidates for mayor.

View the questions we asked candidates for alderman

We will publish all responses we receive on our blog in advance of the Chicago elections on February 24, 2015. If no candidate receives an absolute majority in a particular race, a runoff between the top two candidates will be held for that seat on April 7, 2015. The deadline to register to vote is January 27, 2015.

In the 43rd Ward, we've partnered with Bike Walk Lincoln Park (BWLP) on a ward-specific attachment to our questionnaire for all four aldermanic candidates. Co-BWLP leaders Michelle Stenzel and Michael Reynolds are working with other neighborhood advocates to raise the profile of active transportation issues in the local election.

For questions about our Chicago election outreach and to learn about how to get involved in your local race, contact Campaign Director Kyle Whitehead at