
Did You Know?

Only 11 percent of Chicagoland residents ride transit to work.

Thanks! IDOT now tracks doorings as crashes

Thanks to Gov. Quinn for ordering this change to IDOT’s crash reporting policy.

Also, sincere thanks to Active Trans members and others who called, wrote or emailed IDOT requesting this change.

As part of our legislative agenda for 2011, we are pleased to check this off as a win. Moving forward, we will be looking carefully at the dooring crash data to determine if the issue is severe enough to secure funding for education campaigns directed at people who drive, people who bike and police who enforce the laws.

We would also like to thank Jon Hilkevitch of the Chicago Tribune for his March 20 article that created awareness of this issue with the Governor and the public. This lead many additional news stories that helped spread the word.

And finally, we extend our good thoughts to Kim Nishimoto, a woman featured in Hilkevitch's article whose son was killed in a dooring crash. We offer our best wishes to Nishimoto as she celebrates this change and her son’s wonderful life.