Tell Congress any COVID-19 stimulus bill must include public transit

Initial drafts of the COVID-19 stimulus bill being prepared in Washington, D.C., don’t include any mention of public transit.

As public transportation loses riders at levels unseen before, the transit agencies are already starting to make cuts in service. Major cuts in service and shutting down transit lines would be devastating for people who continue to rely on transit in their everyday lives during the pandemic.

Transit agencies in the Chicago area and cities across the country need emergency assistance NOW to keep their systems running and clean.

Thousands of essential workers like healthcare professionals and grocery store clerks rely on buses and trains to get to work. Many Chicagoans rely on transit to get to essential businesses like grocery stores and pharmacies.

Sign a letter to your members of Congress today to make sure transit isn’t left out. You can also use our platform to Tweet at your officials and make a patch-through call to their offices.

Image courtesy of CTA

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