
Did You Know?

A bicycle commuter who rides four miles to work, five days a week, avoids 2,000 miles of driving and about 2,000 pounds of CO2 emissions each year.

Stories show the need for safer walking & biking to school

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Active Trans’ Safe Routes for Healthy Kids campaign focuses on making walking and biking to school better for kids across the state of Illinois.

We work with parents, students, teachers and other allies to champion improvements to the state’s Safe Routes to School program.

From communities across Illinois, everyone has a story to tell.

These stories are important in understanding why infrastructure improvements and education programs are needed to encourage walking and biking for kids. 

Here are some of the stories that we've been sharing with you in recent months about communities working for better biking and walking for kids. 

On Chicago’s Northwest Side, Belding Elementary School works to get its students physically active by hosting weekly morning walks, and the school actively participates in both Walk to School Day and Bike to School Day.

While in Washington Park, located on Chicago’s South Side, poor infrastructure and the threat of violence are major barriers that prevent kids from walking and biking to school.

Poorly designed streets can also be found in North Suburban Glenview. Avoca West Elementary students can’t walk or bike safely due to a lack of continuous sidewalks near the school. But parents are fighting to change this.

In neighboring Batavia, the town's bicycle commission uses Safe Routes grant money to educate kids on the benefits of riding a bike.

Illinois Department of Transportation’s (IDOT) Safe Routes to School program provides funding throughout the state for projects improving walking and biking to school.

However, due to budget cuts, it’s more difficult for communities to apply for grants or receive support for ongoing projects.

Our Safe Routes for Healthy Kids campaign is campaigning to increase funding for Safe Routes to School and make administrative changes to make it easier for communities to apply. 

Please sign onto the campaign here. Use the hashtag #SafeRoutesIL to share your story on social media.  


Photo courtesy of Marcela Rodriguez Grossman via Sidewalks for Avoca West Facebook group.