
Did You Know?

Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Save TAP! Support federal funding for biking and walking

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The Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) is a significant source of federal funding for biking and walking infrastructure in the Chicago region and across the country.

At less than 2 percent of the entire transportation bill, it's an efficient investment and a small price to pay for thousands of sustainable transportation projects in U.S. cities, towns and rural areas.

In the Chicago region, recent projects that received TAP funding include the Cal-Sag Trail, the 43rd Street Bike-Ped Access Bridge to the Lakefront Trail, the Addison Underbridge Connector (construction begins in 2016), and many others. 

Unfortunately, we've learned the program has become a bargaining chip in the U.S. House of Representatives during discussions about a long-term highway and transit bill. Any cuts or policy changes could be crippling for a program that's sorely needed to meet increasing demand for safe biking and walking options.

Click here to sign a letter to your member of Congress in support of federal funding for biking and walking infrastructure.
