
Did You Know?

Chicago’s first protected bike lane on Kinzie St. increased ridership by 55 percent without increasing traffic congestion for cars.

Roll Together

Let’s roll together

As the number of Chicagoland bike commuters continues to climb, it’s more important than ever that people biking and driving share the roads safely.

That’s why the Active Transportation Alliance teamed up with national bike advocacy group PeopleforBikes and AAA, the nation’s largest motor organization, on a campaign to encourage bicyclists and motorists to respectfully share the road.

If you get around on two or four wheels in Chicagoland, you can be a “roll model” by pledging that you’ll drive or ride predictably and share the road responsibly.

Please share our social media ads to remind people driving and biking that all roadway users have the same rights and responsibilities.

Share social media ads

The ads, featuring the tagline, “Two Wheels Four Wheels – We All Roll Together,” can be easily shared on Facebook, Twitter (#RollTogetherChi) and other social media platforms.

To download, right click and choose “save as” for any one of the following:

Two Wheels, Four Wheels logo

Two Wheels, Four Wheels large ad


Tips for people driving 

  • Share the road. People riding bikes have the same rights and responsibilities as people driving, including the right to ride in the traffic lane.
  • Slow down and allow at least three feet of clearance when passing someone biking. It’s a state law.
  • Check mirrors and blind spots before turning, changing lanes or opening car doors.
  • Never honk your horn at someone riding a bike. They may startle and swerve off the road or into traffic.
  • Stay alert and avoid all distractions while driving. Look before pulling out from a parking space; yield to people on bikes at intersections and be especially watchful at intersections and when making turns — either left or right.

Tips for people biking

  • Be a “roll model.” Ride with traffic and obey the same laws as people driving. Predictable riding behavior will make the roads much safer.
  • Be visible. Ride where people driving cars can see you. Wear brightly colored clothing. At night, use a white front light, a red rear light or reflector, and wear reflective clothing.
  • Be predicable. Ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between parked cars. Make eye contact with drivers to let them know you’re there.
  • Anticipate conflicts. Always be aware of traffic around you and be prepared to take action, exercising additional caution at intersections.
  • Wear a helmet. Helmets, when worn properly, can help protect the head and brain in the event of a crash.


Share the Road from AAA Public Affairs on Vimeo.

Share the Road from AAA Public Affairs on Vimeo.