Revolutionizing the Chicago region’s public transit

Transit Equity Day, February 4, is the day we honor Rosa Parks and reaffirm that transit is a fundamental human and civil right.

As we face unprecedented challenges in Chicago’s regional transit system, we must act now to prevent devastating service cuts that would impact millions and hinder our climate change efforts.

The Metropolitan Mobility Authority (MMA) proposal offers a bold plan that would create more efficient, accessible, and user-friendy transit for everyone in the region.

This legislation, championed by the Active Transportation Alliance and a broad coalition of supporters, aims to unify our four major Chicagoland transit agencies into a cohesive entity, delivering substantial benefits to everyday commuters and occasional riders alike.

In honor of Transit Equity Day, we’ve invited people to share their thoughts on the need for strengthening our transit system by passing the MMA. See our full playlist of videos submitted by residents, partners, and elected officials.


Contact your state senator and representative today. Ask them to co-sponsor the Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act (SB-5 in the Illinois Senate and HB-1833 in the Illinois House).

Your voice can help shape a better transit future for the Chicago region.



The MMA would bring together the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), Metra, and Pace into an integrated, regionally-focused organization. This long-overdue move has garnered significant public support, with a statewide poll showing that voters favor the unification by a 2-1 margin.

Key benefits for riders:

  • A single app and fare system for seamless journeys
  • Better coordinated and more frequent services
  • Precursor for increased state investment in public transit

See our full playlist of videos honoring Transit Equity Day submitted by residents, partners, and elected officials.


The MMA comes with a companion appropriations bill that would allocate a minimum of $1.5 billion annually in additional operating funds for public transportation operations. This critical investment would not only prevent devastating cuts in service, but it would allow the system to make significant improvements to greatly improve the experience of riders.

The new Metropolitan Mobility Authority would be governed by a board similar to the current RTA board structure with a few additions to ensure representation from various stakeholders across the region. A new board aims to eliminate competition between agencies, focus on service planning across geographic boundaries and service types, and foster a more collaborative approach to transit planning and operations.



The MMA is part of a broader Illinois Clean Jobs Coalition initiative called the Clean and Equitable Transportation Act (CETA), which aims to address the climate impact of Illinois’ transportation system. This aligns with the preferences of 72 percent of voters who support shifting investments towards more sustainable transportation options.

The Active Transportation Alliance has played a pivotal role in advancing this transformative legislation. Indeed, we’ve been busy building a diverse coalition of supporters across business, civic, environmental, and community-based groups, and have helped organize dozens of meetings with elected officials, as well as briefings, lobby days, and community town halls.

This grassroots approach has been crucial in keeping the issue at the forefront of state legislators’ minds and garnering widespread support for the MMA.


See our full playlist of videos honoring Transit Equity Day submitted by residents, partners, and elected officials.



“We need [a] regional transit system our constituents deserve, one that is integrated, and commuter-centered,” said State Senator Ram Villivalam, who introduced the legislation along with State Representative Eva-Dina Delgado. “As fiscal pressures bear down on us, now is the time to plan for the public transit system for the year 2050.”

The Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act represents a pivotal moment for public transportation in the Chicago region. The easier the system is to use, the more reliable it is, the more frequently it comes, the safer it is, the more people that will ride it. And the ripple effect of more ridership is powerful, not only for transit funding, but for cleaner air, reduced congestion, population growth, and economic activity.

As the Active Transportation Alliance and its partners continue to advocate for these crucial reforms, the Chicago region’s commuters can look forward to a brighter, more connected future.


Contact your state senator and representative today. Ask them to co-sponsor the Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act (SB-5 in the Illinois Senate and HB-1833 in the Illinois House).

Your voice can help shape a better transit future for the Chicago region.


See our full playlist of videos honoring Transit Equity Day submitted by residents, partners, and elected officials.


We’re looking for community champions to share their stories about the need for better transit in the region. If you’re interested in getting more involved with the campaign to pass the Metropolitan Mobility Authority (SB-5/HB-1833), please get in touch with our campaign organizer W. Robert Schultz III at [email protected].

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