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Post image: People living on the West Side of Chicago know how difficult it can be to get anywhere on public transportation. Residents who aren’t lucky enough to live near Metra or CTA train stations lack rapid transit options and are forced to rely on local buses. A majority of the bus lines are on congested streets, causing a 30-minute trip […]
Read MorePost image: With no Chicago City Council meeting this month, August is often vacation time for aldermen and their staff throughout the city. But last week we learned several council members are already hard at work preparing for a busy fall. On Wednesday, Active Trans hosted a series of briefings at Chicago City Hall to introduce our organization to newly […]
Read MorePost image: The south suburbs is one of the most underserved areas in the Chicago region’s rapid transit network and for decades residents and businesses have rallied behind the proposed SouthEast Service (SES) line as a transformational project. Despite strong public will and political support, Metra has been unable to secure funding to move the project beyond the initial planning […]
Read MorePost image: One of the best ways to make a street safer for everyone is making it a Complete Street. These are streets that can be safely used by everyone regardless of their age, ability or travel mode. Complete Streets are designed to accommodate people walking, biking, using wheelchairs and using transit and cars. To ensure that these types of […]
Read MorePost image: What if you lived within a mile or two of a rapid transit stop but had no safe and convenient way to get there? That’s the case for many residents of Chicago’s Southwest Side and the Southwest Suburbs, who struggle to access the current terminal station at Midway. A 2.3-mile extension south to 76th Street/Ford City Mall, as […]
Read MoreOn Tuesday CTA announced the restoration of express bus service on Ashland and Western Avenues during peak hours. The CTA ended express bus service on the #9 Ashland and #49 Western routes amid budget cuts in 2010. The #9 Ashland route is the most popular bus route in the system with 10 million boardings annually. Today’s announcement is good news […]
Read MorePost image: In a great example of local advocacy in action, the Northwest Active Transportation Council recently helped restore safe bicycle access to Busse Woods after a path was closed off by construction activity. During its reconstruction of the I-90 tollway, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority closed the bike path on Golf Road at the I-90 underpass so the […]
Read MorePost image: The most opportunities to increase the number of people who ride transit to work in Cook County lies in the outer ring suburbs, where interchanges and disconnected towns leave residents with no choice but to spend hours each day stuck in traffic on the way to and from work. Extending the Blue Line northwest through the I-90 Corridor […]
Read MorePost image: A new report released by TransitCenter documents how advocacy groups like Active Trans, elected officials and agency leaders all need each other to create sustainable transportation options and make streets more walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly. According to the report, grassroots advocacy is an important step in generating change. Advocacy organizations like Active Trans are the backbone behind raising public […]
Read MorePost image: For the past 24 years, the Active Transportation Alliance has created loads of new bike commuters each year through the Bike Commuter Challenge. The challenge promotes bike commuting as an activity that is easy, fun and environmentally-friendly. Throughout the challenge’s long history, it’s been the job of our Team Leaders – our bike commuting evangelists – to create […]
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