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Date(s): Thursday, March 7, 2019 – 16:45Event image: Join us on March 7, 2019 as we celebrate people throughout the region who helped make great strides in biking, walking and transit in Chicagoland. External link:
Read MorePost image: Each year, Active Trans invites its members to come together to discuss what we’ve done in the past year and what we hope to accomplish in the coming year. It’s an occasion for members to become more familiar with the work of Active Trans and have crucial input into what the organization will focus on in the coming […]
Read MoreDate(s): Friday, January 25, 2019 – 23:30 Event image: Do you turn your pedals throughout the year? Join us at our next Winter Bike to Work Rally on January 25, 2019.
Read MorePost image: While financial constraints have left local government agencies struggling to fund public transit in recent years, at least one agency is planning to expand service in 2016. Pace, the suburban bus provider in the Chicago region, released its proposed 2016 budget last week, and it includes nearly $8 million in new service. The budget also includes a 25 […]
Read MoreDate(s): Wednesday, December 5, 2018 – 15:15 Event image: Don't miss this once-a-year event that truly celebrates the spirit of Active Trans. Get to know your fellow volunteers and members at our Annual Meeting and Mixer. Join us December 5, 2018. External link:
Read MorePost image: One of Active Trans’ main goals is to make bicycling a comfortable transportation option for everyone no matter their age or ability. But we know through research, observation and countless conversations that the average person is much more likely to hop on a bike when they are able to bike in places where they feel safe and comfortable. […]
Read MorePost image: Thousands of schools across the country are celebrating Walk to School Day today by holding events that encourage kids to walk and bike to school. These events help show walking and biking as safe, fun ways to get to school — all while promoting the health benefits of biking and walking. Why is there a Walk to School Day? With […]
Read MorePost image: Half of the students who live south of Belding Elementary in Old Irving Park/ Mayfair neighborhoods have to take a bus to get to school. A lot of these students live within walking and biking distance of the school but have to be bussed in order to avoid the Kennedy Expressway, which has two exit ramps running through […]
Read MorePost image: Once a month, Active Trans gathers a list of events happening on the Lakefront Trail. Check out what’s going on in October. Also, we'd love to hear about your experience on the trail. Click here to complete a brief survey about your experience on the trail. Your feedback will be incorporated into an ongoing planning process to improve […]
Read MorePost image: On a recent warm July evening, I rode my bike down to Douglas Park with a few other Active Trans staff members to participate in one of Slow Roll Chicago’s weekly Wednesday night rides. As we approached our destination, overcoming some stressful stretches of roadway on our way there from River North, we suddenly found ourselves pedaling along […]
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